Feeling Dis-jointed?
Are you feeling grounded, or disjointed today?? Balancing your ROOT chakra helps create a solid foundation for all the other chakras. It’s […]
Are you feeling grounded, or disjointed today?? Balancing your ROOT chakra helps create a solid foundation for all the other chakras. It’s […]
Is it time for a home kitchen intervention?? Good nutrition starts with your INTENTION. Seriously! By setting your intention, you can mindfully […]
You have likely heard the quote, “Breath is life”… What if I told you that your breathing ways are at least part […]
Vitamin C does a lot more than prevent scurvy. It enables your body to use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins efficiently. Vitamin C […]
Remember Dr. Cowan who I interviewed on both of my Inner Wisdom Eating Summits? Today I purchased my very own ASHITABA plant […]
I have not purchased any toxic items for years. ???????????????? Household cleaners, personal care products, perfumes, and other consumer and industrial products […]
When we “feel” better, we “do” better!????♀️???? If you are ready to transform your morning ritual and create more calm and steady […]