Dopamine and serotonin are considered our ‘happy hormones/neurotransmitters’ as they play a role in increasing our positive moods and emotions. Both dopamine and serotonin also play a role in regulating digestion through suppressing, or increasing appetite depending on the body’s need. Low dopamine levels are said to boost appetite and
If you're like many, you are always looking for something to snack on between meals, or after dinner. And if you're like most, you have others in your home that don't necessarily like what you eat. You buy the healthy stuff, they buy the not so healthy, processed junk food. You
The times we are living in can make anyone feel stressed and anxious. While we can't change the state of the world, there are actions we can take to reduce our responses to it. So many things can trigger anxiety. Some common ones are traumatic event/s, illness or a medical