My Blog

Simple Meals to Support Your Wellbeing

Simple Meals to Support Your Wellbeing

Do you feel like even the simplest things are difficult when you're in a funk? Are you tired of feeling alone, fatigued, and disconnected from yourself and others? You're not alone.  Many of us turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms like Uber Eats or a box of crackers when we're feeling

Embracing Beauty and Managing Anxiety During Post Menopause

Embracing Beauty and Managing Anxiety During Post Menopause

One of the things that inspired me to create the guide on how to manage skin changes and anxiety throughout post menopause was a podcast called "Wiser Than Me," hosted by Julia Louise Dreyfus. This podcast speaks to women about how to live a full and meaningful life, no matter

Addressing Dysregulated Eating Habits and Gut Health: Let’s Talk

Addressing Dysregulated Eating Habits and Gut Health: Let’s Talk

As someone who has struggled with overeating myself, particularly with certain foods like bagels and hot ciabatta, I understand the challenges that come with dysregulated eating patterns.  When we habitually turn to food when we're not hungry, choose unhealthy comfort foods, or eat until we're overfull, it's a sign that