My Blog

Feeling Dis-jointed?

Feeling Dis-jointed?

Are you feeling grounded, or disjointed today?? Balancing your ROOT chakra helps create a solid foundation for all the other chakras. It's like building a foundation for your permanent home! A solid foundation embedded in firm soil will provide the stability and structure you need for building rooms filled with

Vegetable Intentions

Vegetable Intentions

Is it time for a home kitchen intervention??  Good nutrition starts with your INTENTION.   Seriously!  By setting your intention, you can mindfully plan ahead with ideas or recipes and your weekly food needs, from meals to snacks. Preparing healthful meals and snacks does not have to be a challenge when you have

What your breathing has to do with digestion & mental health

What your breathing has to do with digestion & mental health

You have likely heard the quote, "Breath is life"… What if I told you that your breathing ways are at least part of the reason why you feel gassy, bloated, anxious, depressed, out of sync with life, have brain fog, headaches, or even postural deficits? I understand this. As a