Do you know about food synergy? It's a beautiful thing! Making good partnerships not only up-levels only our psychological wellbeing, but our nutrition as well. Food synergy is created when combining foods that produce a health benefit that' greater than the sum of the individual parts. They either enhance each other's absorption, or have
You all wrote to me yesterday and wanted to know MORE about the synergy of vegetables. Apparently you want to know what flavors to combine with your favorite vegetables to bring out their best flavors! Here are a few!! The earthy flavors of asparagus work really well with the magic of mustard, sesame seeds and tarragon.
Do you often wonder how many nutrients you are actually absorbing from your food? I do. Even if you eat your 9 - 11 servings of plants daily, buy locally grown and organic produce, grow your own greens and herbs. Only buy organic pasture-raised beef, poultry and eggs, along with low mercury, wild fish, and only