My Blog

Nutrient Shortfalls and Dis-ease Risk

Nutrient Shortfalls and Dis-ease Risk

Do you often wonder how many nutrients you are actually absorbing from your food?   I do. Even if you eat your 9 - 11 servings of plants daily, buy locally grown and organic produce, grow your own greens and herbs. Only buy organic pasture-raised beef, poultry and eggs, along with low mercury, wild fish, and only

Over 25 Liver Loving Foods on My List

Over 25 Liver Loving Foods on My List

Your liver has the largest number of germ-killing immune cells that allow it to mount a robust immune response. One of the many jobs your liver has is preventing harmful bacteria and viruses from entering through your gut. Unfortunately, most people’s livers have been compromised by toxins in the form of: Prescription

See if you’re in need of extra C!

See if you’re in need of extra C!

Are you eating your vitamin C? Vitamin C does a lot more than prevent scurvy. It enables your body to use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins efficiently. It is an antioxidant. It is important for your skin, bones, and connective tissue. It promotes healing and helps the body absorb iron.Vitamin C is